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General Asked Questions About Simple Social Buttons

Is SSB compatible with WooCommrce?

Yes, it’s totally compatible with Wocommerce, you can display the Social sharing buttons above the product description or below the product description.

General Asked Questions About Simple Social Buttons

Does SSB provide the Gutenberg blocks?

Yes SSB has its Gutenberg block.

Why upgrade PRO?

You will be provided with three extra positions in the PRO version, and you will be able to customize the colors of social buttons to match with your website’s color scheme.

Does it work on Custom Posts?

Yes SSB works on all custom posts.

Does it slow down my website?

No! The reason is that when you will enable the share counts SSB will use the third party APIs to complete the process and to show share counts. This process is done with Ajax call, and this call is done once all the page has been loaded. Your website’s speed won’t be affected by installing SSB.